We are dedicated to mutually successful outcomes in worker-employer disputes.
Work Resolve Mediation provides the highest quality employment mediation and early intervention services to settle otherwise expensive, time-consuming, and risky workplace disputes. The company brings expert legal skills, deep corporate experience, and practical reasoning to help navigate parties to mutually successful outcomes. What makes Work Resolve unique is its exclusive dedication to employment mediation, bringing to bear the full resources and commitment of the company to assist workers and employers in reaching resolution and moving forward with their lives and businesses.
Founder and CEO, Antone Melton-Meaux, brings 20 years of highly distinguished corporate and law firm experience in all aspects of employment law.
Work Resolve is exclusively positioned to facilitate resolution of employment disputes.
We are conduits for constructive communication, assisting workers and employers in understanding perspectives on the path to resolution.
Our priority is to reach a lasting solution, wherein each party feels their needs and expectations have been met.